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قديم 24-10-20, 11:39 PM   #1

Fairey Angel

كاتبة في قصر الكتابة الخاليّة وقاصة بقلوب احلام القصيرة

alkap ~
الصورة الرمزية Fairey Angel

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?  نُقآطِيْ » Fairey Angel has a reputation beyond reputeFairey Angel has a reputation beyond reputeFairey Angel has a reputation beyond reputeFairey Angel has a reputation beyond reputeFairey Angel has a reputation beyond reputeFairey Angel has a reputation beyond reputeFairey Angel has a reputation beyond reputeFairey Angel has a reputation beyond reputeFairey Angel has a reputation beyond reputeFairey Angel has a reputation beyond reputeFairey Angel has a reputation beyond repute
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?? ??? ~
My Mms ~
:jded: Wild Rescuers: Guardians of the Taiga by Stacy Plays (aka Stacy Hinojosa)

Wild Rescuers: Guardians of the Taiga by Stacy Plays aka Stacy Hinojosa

From Stacy Plays, creator of the mega-popular YouTube series Dogcraft, comes a thrilling illustrated novel about a girl raised by a pack of wolves and her quest to protect their shared forest home. The first in a new Minecraft-inspired fantasy adventure series!

Stacy was raised by wolves. She's never needed humans to survive and, from what she sees of humans, they're dangerous and unpredictable. For as long as she can remember, Stacy's pack of six powerful, playful wolves—Addison, Basil, Everest, Noah, Tucker and Wink—have been her only family.

Together, Stacy's pack patrols the forest to keep other animals safe, relying on her wits and each wolf's unique abilities to accomplish risky rescue missions. But as the forest changes and new dangers begin lurking, are Stacy and the wolves prepared for the perils that await them?

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