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قديم 05-03-21, 02:49 AM   #1

شروق منصور

نجم روايتي و شاعرة متألقة في المنتدى الأدبي

alkap ~
الصورة الرمزية شروق منصور

? العضوٌ??? » 242556
?  التسِجيلٌ » May 2012
? مشَارَ?اتْي » 2,161
? مزاجي » مزاجي
?  نُقآطِيْ » شروق منصور has a reputation beyond reputeشروق منصور has a reputation beyond reputeشروق منصور has a reputation beyond reputeشروق منصور has a reputation beyond reputeشروق منصور has a reputation beyond reputeشروق منصور has a reputation beyond reputeشروق منصور has a reputation beyond reputeشروق منصور has a reputation beyond reputeشروق منصور has a reputation beyond reputeشروق منصور has a reputation beyond reputeشروق منصور has a reputation beyond repute
?? ??? ~
My Mms ~
افتراضي Cobra and the beast

Cobra and beast
He was a frenzied beast from the offspring of a beast, who forced himself on the weak and the unfortunate... it was harmful in everway ... He tore the rest to pieces, ruined and demolished the place, so it became like a desert mirage in a mirage, from the severity of its danger and as well as arrogance, not to mention despise, except for those who identified with him for bullying Or for the worst exploitation ...
Unfortunately, this situation continued for a few years, and the trick blew the wisest of the wise, and was baffled by his bad morals and the effectiveness of a crowd of wise people. Some froze, helpless viewers, crying out for fear of the poor who were thrown by misfortune on their way.
And from the most powerful of the exploiters and the most insidious of the hypocrites, a cobra snake attached to him and claimed that it was in his service, then it began to break down and absorb the strength of the weak, and it swelled magnificently to this frenzied monster, it was a treacherous enemy as long as it was hidden... until the right moment was so chased it ....
Can you just watch !? Perhaps after the Cobra get rid of it, It turns to those who are fortunate enough to beg and wait for the miracle of a greedy monster.

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