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[تحميل]هذيان بين جمر وجليد(أرملة أخي المجنونه)،للكاتبة/نورا ناصر"عراقية"،مميزة (الكاتـب : فيتامين سي - )           »          بحر الأسود (1) .. * متميزة ومكتملة * سلسلة سِباع آل تميم تزأر (الكاتـب : Aurora - )           »          ومضة شك في غمرة يقين (الكاتـب : الريم ناصر - )           »          آنين - فراشات الألم (الكاتـب : نورا كمال - )           »          نقطة، و سطر قديم!! (1) *مميزه و مكتملة*.. سلسلة حكايات في سطور (الكاتـب : eman nassar - )           »          فالكو (52) للكاتبة: ساندرا مارتون (الجزء الثالث من سلسلة الأخوة أورسيني) .. كاملة .. (الكاتـب : Gege86 - )           »          أترقّب هديلك (1) *مميزة ومكتملة* .. سلسلة قوارير العطّار (الكاتـب : كاردينيا الغوازي - )           »          عن الحكيم إذا هوى (1) *مميزة و مكتملة*.. سلسلة في الغرام قصاصا (الكاتـب : blue me - )           »          جدران دافئة (2) .. سلسلة مشاعر صادقة *مكتملة* (الكاتـب : كلبهار - )           »          قمر واخواتها * متميزه و مكتملة * (الكاتـب : shymaa abou bakr - )

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قديم 09-04-22, 07:19 AM   #1

شروق منصور

نجم روايتي و شاعرة متألقة في المنتدى الأدبي

alkap ~
الصورة الرمزية شروق منصور

? العضوٌ??? » 242556
?  التسِجيلٌ » May 2012
? مشَارَ?اتْي » 2,159
? مزاجي » مزاجي
?  نُقآطِيْ » شروق منصور has a reputation beyond reputeشروق منصور has a reputation beyond reputeشروق منصور has a reputation beyond reputeشروق منصور has a reputation beyond reputeشروق منصور has a reputation beyond reputeشروق منصور has a reputation beyond reputeشروق منصور has a reputation beyond reputeشروق منصور has a reputation beyond reputeشروق منصور has a reputation beyond reputeشروق منصور has a reputation beyond reputeشروق منصور has a reputation beyond repute
?? ??? ~
My Mms ~
افتراضي The Egyptian Victory

The Egyptian Victory

The tender breathe of Spring comes this year

Mingled with the spiritual virtues of Ramadan 's cheer

Above all, the splender reminder of Ramadan 's Victory

Despite of all those years, the memories are alive incredibly

That day was not like any other day

Heroes from the best swore, the enemy would not stay

The enemy 's army vanished away in blessed nights and days

Days with blissful knights fueled with faith amaze

The difference between the truth and hellish lies is October 's victory 1973

At two o'clock on the sixth of October, forty eight years ago was the Victory date appiontee

During six important hours as boundaries between illusion and beyond endurance realities

A historic day stands carrying the torch of victory with its immortal glowing technicalities

Through the ages our brilliant victories say it all

We stood by each other, one united and amending whole

We stood tall one hand and one soul to cure wounds for no more holes

The exquisite saying Allah Akbar spread high mending faults achieving priceless goals

The tender breathe of Spring comes this year

Mingled with the spiritual virtues of Ramadan 's cheer

Above all, the splender reminder of Ramadan 's Victory

Despite of all those years, the memories are alive incredibly

On this beautiful day the victories doors at home open wide

Widows of hope open to the new sacred peaceful whisper of wind 's mind tide

The keys for the courageous victories we sought, dated

The lights of honorable Ramadan paved the way to end the war fated

A day not like any other day

Heroes from the best swore not to know rest

Till the enemy 's army vanish away in blessed days and nights

days with blissful knights fueled with faith without heist

One of the most epic and immortal days with its epic hours

In heavenly hours, we took what 's ours

When we say it loudly, they just obey

In heavenly days, we regained our land without delay

With Allah Akbar raised to the sky

Victory is the only way we follow and comply

We ordered they shouldn't stay ,so with cry Israelis went away

Victory is the one and only life we Know and the best allay

We regained what 's ours in hands till the last grain of sand

The devilish invaders left our everlasting land

Without return, as they were beaten fast during our fast

It was an honorable belief and a fair must

التعديل الأخير تم بواسطة Fairey Angel ; 29-04-22 الساعة 01:37 PM
شروق منصور غير متواجد حالياً  
رواية/ حنين السنين
رواية نبض فيض القلوب
الكاتبة /شروق منصور
رد مع اقتباس
قديم 09-04-22, 09:52 AM   #2

شروق منصور

نجم روايتي و شاعرة متألقة في المنتدى الأدبي

alkap ~
الصورة الرمزية شروق منصور

? العضوٌ??? » 242556
?  التسِجيلٌ » May 2012
? مشَارَ?اتْي » 2,159
? مزاجي » مزاجي
?  نُقآطِيْ » شروق منصور has a reputation beyond reputeشروق منصور has a reputation beyond reputeشروق منصور has a reputation beyond reputeشروق منصور has a reputation beyond reputeشروق منصور has a reputation beyond reputeشروق منصور has a reputation beyond reputeشروق منصور has a reputation beyond reputeشروق منصور has a reputation beyond reputeشروق منصور has a reputation beyond reputeشروق منصور has a reputation beyond reputeشروق منصور has a reputation beyond repute
?? ??? ~
My Mms ~

Hi everyone
This is a more corrected one
So with your permission

The Egyptian Victory

The tender breath of Spring comes this year
Mingled with spiritual virtues of Ramadan 's cheer
Above all, splender reminder of Ramadan 's Victory
Despite of all those years, memories are alive incredibly

That day was not like any other day
Heroes from the best swore, the enemy wouldn't stay
The enemy 's army vanished away on blessed nights and days
Days with blissful knights fueled with faith amaze

The difference between the truth and hellish lies is October 's victory 1973
At two o'clock on the sixth of October, forty eight years ago was the Victory date appiontee
During six important hours as boundaries between illusion and beyond endurance realities
A historic day stands carrying the torch of victory with its immortal glowing technicalities

Through the ages our brilliant victories say it all
We stood by each other, one united and amending whole
We stood tall one hand, one soul to cure wounds for no more holes
The exquisite saying Allah Akbar spread high mending faults achieving priceless goals

The tender breath of Spring comes this year
Mingled with spiritual virtues of Ramadan 's cheer
Above all, splender reminder of Ramadan 's Victory
Despite of all those years, memories are alive incredibly

On this beautiful day the victories doors at home open wide
Widows of hope open to the new sacred peaceful whisper of wind 's mind tide
The keys for the courageous victories we sought, dated
The lights of honorable Ramadan paved the way to end the war fated

A day not like any other day
Heroes from the best swore not to know rest
Till the enemy 's army vanish away on blessed days and nights
days with blissful knights fueled with faith without heist

One of the most epic and immortal days with its epic hours
In heavenly hours, we took what 's ours
When we say it loudly, they just obey
In heavenly days, we regained our land without delay

With Allah Akbar raised to the sky
Victory is the only way we follow and comply
We ordered they shouldn't stay ,so with cry Israelis went away
Victory is the one and only life we Know and the best allay

We regained what 's ours in hands till the last grain of sand
The devilish invaders left our everlasting land
Without return, as they were beaten fast during our fast
It was an honorable belief and a fair must

شروق منصور غير متواجد حالياً  
رواية/ حنين السنين
رواية نبض فيض القلوب
الكاتبة /شروق منصور
رد مع اقتباس
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