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العودة   شبكة روايتي الثقافية > مكتبات روايتي > English Library

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قديم 18-11-22, 12:52 AM   #1

شروق منصور

نجم روايتي و شاعرة متألقة في المنتدى الأدبي

alkap ~
الصورة الرمزية شروق منصور

? العضوٌ??? » 242556
?  التسِجيلٌ » May 2012
? مشَارَ?اتْي » 2,159
? مزاجي » مزاجي
?  نُقآطِيْ » شروق منصور has a reputation beyond reputeشروق منصور has a reputation beyond reputeشروق منصور has a reputation beyond reputeشروق منصور has a reputation beyond reputeشروق منصور has a reputation beyond reputeشروق منصور has a reputation beyond reputeشروق منصور has a reputation beyond reputeشروق منصور has a reputation beyond reputeشروق منصور has a reputation beyond reputeشروق منصور has a reputation beyond reputeشروق منصور has a reputation beyond repute
?? ??? ~
My Mms ~
افتراضي Climate Change Story

A flash Story
Climate Change

Once upon a time in a very far place, the Sun was getting ready to spread its usual joys like everyday for ages as old as the History itself.
Excepting the Earth to be eager and welcoming like everyday, but for her sorrowful surprise that changed that day.
The restless Earth didn't care about the sun. It was so sick worried and seemed so sad.
- ls everything OK. Did something bad happen?
Asked the Sun. She didn't get except desperate silence. But she wasn't ready to give up just yet. As she was always the fighter for a good and just cause
- Why do you look like that? You look different. And why does the atmosphere appear grey?
The Earth seemed to be consumed in a distressed mood that she didn't hear the Sun or feel it. The sun felt that the Earth was carrying a very heavy burden.

التعديل الأخير تم بواسطة شروق منصور ; 18-11-22 الساعة 01:19 AM
شروق منصور غير متواجد حالياً  
رواية/ حنين السنين
رواية نبض فيض القلوب
الكاتبة /شروق منصور
رد مع اقتباس
قديم 18-11-22, 12:54 AM   #2

شروق منصور

نجم روايتي و شاعرة متألقة في المنتدى الأدبي

alkap ~
الصورة الرمزية شروق منصور

? العضوٌ??? » 242556
?  التسِجيلٌ » May 2012
? مشَارَ?اتْي » 2,159
? مزاجي » مزاجي
?  نُقآطِيْ » شروق منصور has a reputation beyond reputeشروق منصور has a reputation beyond reputeشروق منصور has a reputation beyond reputeشروق منصور has a reputation beyond reputeشروق منصور has a reputation beyond reputeشروق منصور has a reputation beyond reputeشروق منصور has a reputation beyond reputeشروق منصور has a reputation beyond reputeشروق منصور has a reputation beyond reputeشروق منصور has a reputation beyond reputeشروق منصور has a reputation beyond repute
?? ??? ~
My Mms ~
افتراضي Page 2

When the Sun had another extreme silence, she gazed at the pending sorrowful trees. She wondered about their paleness and falling leaves.
Moreover, she heard the roaring
wind threatening. She watched with
horror the ocean 's erupting waves.


شروق منصور غير متواجد حالياً  
رواية/ حنين السنين
رواية نبض فيض القلوب
الكاتبة /شروق منصور
رد مع اقتباس
قديم 18-11-22, 12:56 AM   #3

شروق منصور

نجم روايتي و شاعرة متألقة في المنتدى الأدبي

alkap ~
الصورة الرمزية شروق منصور

? العضوٌ??? » 242556
?  التسِجيلٌ » May 2012
? مشَارَ?اتْي » 2,159
? مزاجي » مزاجي
?  نُقآطِيْ » شروق منصور has a reputation beyond reputeشروق منصور has a reputation beyond reputeشروق منصور has a reputation beyond reputeشروق منصور has a reputation beyond reputeشروق منصور has a reputation beyond reputeشروق منصور has a reputation beyond reputeشروق منصور has a reputation beyond reputeشروق منصور has a reputation beyond reputeشروق منصور has a reputation beyond reputeشروق منصور has a reputation beyond reputeشروق منصور has a reputation beyond repute
?? ??? ~
My Mms ~
افتراضي Page 3 Climate Change Story

Nevertheless, the Sky was dressed with dark shade of black heavy clouds. She turned her eyes down, the view was a little bit gloomy.
- Oh my God!
Some forests were burning like hell. She felt sick and coughed from
Floods and waterfalls of smoke spread in the thick air.


التعديل الأخير تم بواسطة شروق منصور ; 18-11-22 الساعة 01:21 AM
شروق منصور غير متواجد حالياً  
رواية/ حنين السنين
رواية نبض فيض القلوب
الكاتبة /شروق منصور
رد مع اقتباس
قديم 18-11-22, 01:08 AM   #4

شروق منصور

نجم روايتي و شاعرة متألقة في المنتدى الأدبي

alkap ~
الصورة الرمزية شروق منصور

? العضوٌ??? » 242556
?  التسِجيلٌ » May 2012
? مشَارَ?اتْي » 2,159
? مزاجي » مزاجي
?  نُقآطِيْ » شروق منصور has a reputation beyond reputeشروق منصور has a reputation beyond reputeشروق منصور has a reputation beyond reputeشروق منصور has a reputation beyond reputeشروق منصور has a reputation beyond reputeشروق منصور has a reputation beyond reputeشروق منصور has a reputation beyond reputeشروق منصور has a reputation beyond reputeشروق منصور has a reputation beyond reputeشروق منصور has a reputation beyond reputeشروق منصور has a reputation beyond repute
?? ??? ~
My Mms ~
افتراضي P.4

The Sun saw a spot of light and an optimistic conference in Egypt.
It was the Conference of Parties ( COP27) in Sharm - el- Sheikh. The Sun gazed.
She realized the problem of the Earth. That was Climate Change. She listened and observed well.


شروق منصور غير متواجد حالياً  
رواية/ حنين السنين
رواية نبض فيض القلوب
الكاتبة /شروق منصور
رد مع اقتباس
قديم 18-11-22, 01:10 AM   #5

شروق منصور

نجم روايتي و شاعرة متألقة في المنتدى الأدبي

alkap ~
الصورة الرمزية شروق منصور

? العضوٌ??? » 242556
?  التسِجيلٌ » May 2012
? مشَارَ?اتْي » 2,159
? مزاجي » مزاجي
?  نُقآطِيْ » شروق منصور has a reputation beyond reputeشروق منصور has a reputation beyond reputeشروق منصور has a reputation beyond reputeشروق منصور has a reputation beyond reputeشروق منصور has a reputation beyond reputeشروق منصور has a reputation beyond reputeشروق منصور has a reputation beyond reputeشروق منصور has a reputation beyond reputeشروق منصور has a reputation beyond reputeشروق منصور has a reputation beyond reputeشروق منصور has a reputation beyond repute
?? ??? ~
My Mms ~
افتراضي P.5

One leader spoke about the chief benefit of global warming. That was the shipping commerce. It would benefit from the opening of the Northwest Passage for longer periods of the year due to the loss of Arctic sea ice.
another leader gave his speech about Decarbonization or the removal of Dams of CO2. As climate change is a threat to millions of lives but there are solutions. From changing how we get our energy to limiting deforestation. Also we must walk more.
The Sun felt OK again. The future seemed to be promising and filled with good hope.
Sorouk Mansour


شروق منصور غير متواجد حالياً  
رواية/ حنين السنين
رواية نبض فيض القلوب
الكاتبة /شروق منصور
رد مع اقتباس
قديم 18-11-22, 01:13 AM   #6

شروق منصور

نجم روايتي و شاعرة متألقة في المنتدى الأدبي

alkap ~
الصورة الرمزية شروق منصور

? العضوٌ??? » 242556
?  التسِجيلٌ » May 2012
? مشَارَ?اتْي » 2,159
? مزاجي » مزاجي
?  نُقآطِيْ » شروق منصور has a reputation beyond reputeشروق منصور has a reputation beyond reputeشروق منصور has a reputation beyond reputeشروق منصور has a reputation beyond reputeشروق منصور has a reputation beyond reputeشروق منصور has a reputation beyond reputeشروق منصور has a reputation beyond reputeشروق منصور has a reputation beyond reputeشروق منصور has a reputation beyond reputeشروق منصور has a reputation beyond reputeشروق منصور has a reputation beyond repute
?? ??? ~
My Mms ~

السلام عليكم ورحمة الله يا أحلى مكتبة.
أنا محتاجة تنسيق الكتابة من فضلكم لليسار.

شروق منصور غير متواجد حالياً  
رواية/ حنين السنين
رواية نبض فيض القلوب
الكاتبة /شروق منصور
رد مع اقتباس
قديم 18-11-22, 01:48 AM   #7

شروق منصور

نجم روايتي و شاعرة متألقة في المنتدى الأدبي

alkap ~
الصورة الرمزية شروق منصور

? العضوٌ??? » 242556
?  التسِجيلٌ » May 2012
? مشَارَ?اتْي » 2,159
? مزاجي » مزاجي
?  نُقآطِيْ » شروق منصور has a reputation beyond reputeشروق منصور has a reputation beyond reputeشروق منصور has a reputation beyond reputeشروق منصور has a reputation beyond reputeشروق منصور has a reputation beyond reputeشروق منصور has a reputation beyond reputeشروق منصور has a reputation beyond reputeشروق منصور has a reputation beyond reputeشروق منصور has a reputation beyond reputeشروق منصور has a reputation beyond reputeشروق منصور has a reputation beyond repute
?? ??? ~
My Mms ~
افتراضي Climate Change Story

Climate Change Flash Story
Once upon a time in a very far place, the Sun was getting ready to spread its usual joys like everyday for ages as old as the History itself.
Excepting the Earth to be eager and welcoming like everyday, but for her sorrowful surprise that changed that day.
The restless Earth didn't care about the sun. It was so sick worried and seemed so sad.
- ls everything OK. Did something bad happen?
Asked the Sun. She didn't get except desperate silence. But she wasn't ready to give up just yet. As she was always the fighter for a good and just cause
- Why do you look like that? You look different. And why does the atmosphere appear grey?
The Earth seemed to be consumed in a distressed mood that she didn't hear the Sun or feel it. The sun felt that the Earth was carrying a very heavy burden.

When the Sun had another extreme silence, she gazed at the pending sorrowful trees. She wondered about their paleness and falling leaves.
Moreover, she heard the roaring
wind threatening. She watched with
horror the ocean 's erupting waves.

Nevertheless, the Sky was dressed with dark shade of black heavy cloud. She turned her eyes down, the view was a little bit gloomy.
- Oh my God!
Some forests were burning like hell. She felt sick and coughed from Floods and waterfalls of smoke spread in the thick air.

Suddenly, the Sun saw a spot of light and an optimistic conference in Egypt.
It was the Conference of Parties ( COP27) in Sharm - el- Sheikh. The Sun gazed. She realized the problem of the Earth. That was Climate Change. She listened and observed well.

One leader spoke about the chief benefit of global warming. That was the shipping commerce. It would benefit from the opening of the Northwest Passage for longer periods of the year due to the loss of Arctic sea ice.
another leader gave his speech about Decarbonization or the removal of Dams of CO2. As climate change is a threat to millions of lives but there are solutions. From changing how we get our energy to limiting deforestation. Also we must walk more.
The Sun felt OK again. The future seemed to be promising and filled with good hope.
Sorouk Mansour

Hi everyone This the Story on one page.

شروق منصور غير متواجد حالياً  
رواية/ حنين السنين
رواية نبض فيض القلوب
الكاتبة /شروق منصور
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